
Surgical instruments quiz medical assiting
Surgical instruments quiz medical assiting

surgical instruments quiz medical assiting

All participants were female with mean ages of 40.6, 29.9 and 28.0 years for OB/GYN experts, assistants, and residents, accordingly. Total of 46 OB/GYN residents participated in the educational effectiveness analysis of PLS. Participants: Thirteen subject matter experts (nine OB/GYN experts and four senior clinical assistants) participated in the user interface design and usability assessment of PLS. Setting: This pilot study took place at the OB/GYN wards of Omolbanin Hospital (Mashhad University of Medical Sciences) and Imam Ali Hospital (Zahedan University of Medical Sciences) in Iran. Surgical skills of the residents were assessed pre- and post-test using the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills checklist.

surgical instruments quiz medical assiting

To assess the effectiveness of PLS, residents were allocated randomly in control and intervention groups. We assessed and compared the usability challenges of PLS before and after revising the game. Methods: We designed and developed the Play and Learn for Surgeons (PLS) game to train OB/GYN residents. In this pilot study, we assessed the usability and effectiveness of a serious game to promote the surgical skills of UAL/UOAL among obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) residents. A potential educational medium for this purpose could be serious digital games. Owing to PPH's severe outcomes, various educational tools have been developed to train surgical residents. Surgical interventions, such as uterine artery ligation and utero-ovarian arteries ligation (UAL and UOAL), are considered as effective methods to control PPH. Objective: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a leading cause of maternal mortality.

Surgical instruments quiz medical assiting